Water Supply: Emergency Preparedness 101

Let’s make 2021 the year to get prepared!


If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that things happen that derail our normal activities and disrupt supply chains.  More than ever, it’s clear that we need to be better prepared for any disasters, whether they be fires or earthquakes or other disruptions. 


Many of you already have stocked up on supplies, have your “go bags” ready, and your emergency plans mapped out.  This series of blog posts will be aimed at the rest of us.  We’ll go through the process of getting ready step by step so it should not be overwhelming.  We will also map out decisions that you should make and provide information on how to make them.


Today our focus is on WATER.  Humans can go for many days without food but water intake is essential for survival.  Our drinking water supply could be interrupted by an earthquake, a malicious act, or something we haven’t even considered.  It should be clear by now that we might not be able to count on retail supplies and that staying in your home may be safer and more viable than trying to leave the area.  If you’ve thought of just filling your bathtub (perhaps) or drinking pool water (safe with a really good filter but still) now is the time to nail down a viable solution.


The general rule of thumb is to have one gallon per person per day and keep a three to fourteen-day supply on hand.  This means you need to store between three gallons (one person, relatively risky) and 70 gallons (5 people, safety-conscious) plus whatever you need for any furry companions.  What amount you need will influence your choice of container.  At the lower end, you can purchase large containers of water from the supermarket.  If you feel more secure storing more than five gallons, you may want to purchase a water storage container that you fill yourself.  There is an abundance of suitable containers available on the web but this list is comprehensive but not overwhelming and even includes an attractive (but pricey) Italian stainless steel option that won’t be banished to the garage.  Others are plastic; there are drums, tanks, and stackables that maximize available space.  There IS something on the list that will do the job for you.


To do this week: Click the link, make a choice, and order it from wherever you choose. Report back on your progress at [email protected].

DSPNAemergency preparedness