Report signage issues on your street
Have missing stop signs in your area? Help us report traffic signage issues in our neighborhood to LADOT. Let us know where you’re spotting problems with signage and street markings.
There are two ways you can submit issues to us:
Complete the Google Form and optionally upload photos by selecting the “Report Signage Issues to DSPNA” button above. This option requires signing in to a Google account in order to upload files.
No Google account? Email us at [email protected] and include the following:
Type of issue
Stop sign
Parking sign
Street marking painted on the road, e.g. “STOP”, “STOP AHEAD”
Other traffic guides
Location, e.g. cross street
Severity of the issue
High - safety hazard, e.g. missing stop sign (“must have”)
Medium - general repairs or improvements (“should have”)
Low - cosmetic issues (“nice to have”)
Photo of the issues - help us see what you see.
A DSPNA task force will be reviewing your submissions and work with LADOT to prioritize fixing them.