We are pleased to announce that we are ready to expand our patrol program to the rest of DSPNA territory. This area will be served by it's own dedicated car.
These are uncertain times. Woudn't it be great, for peace of mind, to have a trained, armed security guard visibly patrolling our neighborhood every night of the week?
We can offer this for an affordable price if enough households participate. The keyword is participation. Once we reach the threshold of commitment (90 paying participants in the new zone), we can launch the program.
You can read our fact sheet here, and you can join us virtually on Sunday, October 25 to learn more and sign up.
Video conference
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99600854276?pwd=aWxGZTBYWlVrNWNNQmViOVFoSXhtQT09
Phone: (669) 900-6833 and use above meeting ID and password
Email [email protected] if you are having trouble joining
If you are ready to sign up, you may fill out the form at https://tiny.cc/DSPNASecurity.
Please forward this to anybody who lives in the coverage area! We need 90 subscribers to offer the service at $100/month before we can begin.