Member Code of Conduct Policy
Updated: 1/27/22
The core mission of the Doheny Sunset Plaza Neighborhood Association (the “Association”) is to promote safety, serenity and community in our area.
As such, we promote neighborly behavior towards one another. This means considerate and courteous action, especially when these actions may affect others who live or work in the neighborhood. Common courtesy may be lacking outside the neighborhood but we can certainly practice and promote it within.
Differences between neighbors will arise here, as they would in any neighborhood, and this policy serves to clarify how members should conduct themselves in the course of such disputes as well as the Association’s role in such disputes.
The Association regularly provides information about how to obtain enforcement of City rules and regulations. The Association understands that enforcement activities may be used to escalate conflicts and encourages discussion between neighbors prior to resorting to enforcement avenues for dispute resolution. The Association will not intervene in an ongoing dispute between neighbors but will recommend outside mediation for such disputes.
In the absence of any ongoing conflict, the Association will assist with obtaining enforcement of rules and regulations.
Members presumptively agree to the following:
To conduct themselves politely and cordially when interacting with other neighbors and specifically not to resort to personal attacks.
Not to attempt to engage the Association in an ongoing dispute without complete disclosure of the circumstances.
Not to represent that the Association supports their position in any dispute relative to the other party.
Not to represent that they represent the Association in interactions with City officials or others.
Members who violate these provisions jeopardize the ability of the Association to act in their interest.
Further, except in the case of large construction projects (new single family dwellings or major renovations) and full-time short-term rentals, polite discussion about rule violations with the violator should precede notice to City officials about problems.