Security Patrol Program


About the Program

The Security Patrol Program (“Program”) covers all areas of the Doheny Sunset Plaza Neighborhood Association area.  See photo inset for details.

The security patrol program is currently available in all areas of the map bounded on the west side by Sierra Alta and on the east by Londonderry Place, lower Sunset Plaza Drive and Rising Glen Road.

The program began operating in the blue area (West Patrol) in June 2020 and began operating in the yellow area (East Patrol) on April 12, 2021.

Over the past year, DSPNA had considered various security programs aimed at reducing or preventing crime in our neighborhood:

  • LAPD's Hollywood Station is under-staffed, and this is not apt to change any time soon.  COVID-19 has caused the City to have significant financial challenges.

  • People are being released from jail/prison due to COVID-19.

  • Economic circumstances will probably lead to an uptick in crime.

  • Visible night-time patrol will have a deterrent effect and eliminate or reduce problems we see at night. 

  • Being known as a neighborhood WITH PATROL should only enhance our neighborhood's desirability.

Coverage Hours

After careful evaluation, we selected Southwest Patrol to provide physical security patrol surveillance (coverage hours) nightly. Due to program success, current coverage hours are:

  • Saturday - Tuesday: 1pm to 6:30am

  • Wednesday - Friday: 10pm to 6:30am

Hours may expand as neighbor participation increases.

What to expect

In addition to increased security in the neighborhood due to nightly patrol presence, participants will be able to:

  • Call on the patrol officer to respond to any situation within the coverage hours at no additional cost.  Party house?  They will deal with it. The patrol officer can call LAPD at 2:00 in the morning so you don't have to.

  • Direct your current alarm monitoring company to notify Southwest when your alarm goes off.  Southwest can respond far more rapidly than the current company or LAPD. Have Southwest respond to alarms at no additional cost (and very quickly) during coverage hours.

  • Get an escort to your door should you feel unsafe.

  • Ask Southwest to check on your property during vacations.

  • All services are free during coverage hours.  Requests made outside of coverage hours will incur a $65 fee billed to you by Southwest.

If you wish to contract with Southwest for other services such as alarm monitoring, please contact them directly at (800) 716-0600.

How to join

  • The cost of the Program per participant is $100 per month (billed quarterly) which covers the cost of the patrol car and minor miscellaneous expenses. To keep paperwork and administrative time to a minimum, DSPNA will charge participants’ credit cards at the beginning of each three-month period following the initial payment.  All revenue will go directly to Program costs.

  • Prior to making your first payment, you must agree to the Terms of Service.

  • To join the Program, click the “Join the Security Patrol Program” button on this page to make your $300 payment for the initial patrol period.

  • As more neighbors join the Program, we can consider expanding coverage hours and making other modifications.


  • To be eligible to participate in the Program, you must be a resident,  property owner, or other individual or corporation interested in funding the Program that operates within the boundaries outlined above.

  • Membership in DSPNA is not required to participate in the Program; however, having more members enables us to evaluate and implement other initiatives that benefit our neighborhood. Not yet a member? Consider joining as a new member which is separate from the Security Patrol Program.


For questions or concerns about this Program, please contact [email protected].